Recover Reality!

End Your Addiction!

It’s time to stop!

Learn to master your emotional and physical sobriety.

Contact me now at (781) 718-5258 or

Together, we will recover your reality!

Have You Been "Fooled" or do you "Rule"?

It Fools!  "I'm addicted to (drug of choice)!" 

It Rules!  "I'm addicted to the experience my drug gives me!"

It Fools!  "Stay clean by staying away from drugs/alcohol!"

It Rules!  "Stay clean by creating and living a satisfying life!" 

It Fools!  "First, I've got to work on myself!"

It Rules!  "Think of their recovery from you rather than your recovery from drug/drink!"

It Fools!  "Get a sponsor!"  

It Rules!  "Get a life coach!" (Life coaches address other life issues besides physical sobriety)

It Fools!  "Recovery" (suggests a return to a previous state - stagnation )

It Rules!  "Reimaged"  (Restored self-respect; familial functioning and active citizenship.                  

Reimaging rekindles the imagination, sparks creativity and promotes a zest for living! )

It Fools! "I need a new set of directions for my life!"

It Rules! "I need a new set of insights for my life!" 

Don't be fooled! Rule!

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